Will buy. Will support. Will vote.

How does research into stereotypes
help to create communiation campaigns
which change the behaviour of people?
We collect information about the stereotypes of target customers
We identify key stereotypes influencing the behaviour of target customers
We analyze guiding stereotypes and the ways in which they are interconnected
We launch communication campaigns which aim to influence target customers behaviour
Stereotype is a target client’s belief that affects his behavior.
Target customers include: guests, passengers, students, patients, investors, stockholders, leading edge personnel, the mass media, audience, readers, voters, specific social groups or just one person . These are the people whose behaviour we want to have an impact on

More often than not, our research crucially sheds light on
How to attract a target customer?
In 83% of cases the answer to this question is found by means of "On-Traffic Stereotypes Collecting" method
Why do we trust this method?
It is impossible to falsify this data
Within 15-20 minutes our clients can see for themselves that the data corresponds to the actual opinions of their actual target customers, and not that of some casual passersby. It is possible to organize some alternative types of control besides the ones granted by the contractor
Key stereotypes are identified
after 80-100 traffic interviews
A large collection of data is not required. It makes it easier to control and saves time
While being interviewed, potential customers don't lie,make assumptions or pretend to be impressed.
The technology helps with: ascertaining the right time to carry out a survey, formulation of effective questions, creation of additional questions to reveal more details about clients while elminitating questions which distort information
The hypotheses and speculation of clients do not play an important role
Even if their prior assumtions are wrong, it has no impact on data obtained (If the research follows our method)
The possibility of data misintepretation is eliminated
Researchers arrive at conclusions based on numbers: the frequency of stereotypes rather than their mere occurrence
A client is advised of particular actions he should perform in order to accomplish an objective/goal
At the end of research clients don't get broad guidelines such as: "advertise for women", "minimize negative feedback", "attract wealthier customers". Instead, they get a checklist of actual steps: where, when, for how long and what kind of information to put out to achieve an objective
More information about the method »
One individual research instead of several
This type of marketing research is called "collecting stereotypes based on target streaming" and has existed for more than 20 years. It combines the advantages of qualitative and quantitative types of research: gives information about clients's established beliefs and motivations. It also shows the rate of stereotype prevalence, their ratios and available resources for their reinforcement or correction.

The research method "collecting stereotypes based on target streaming" is spreading quite slowly for two reasons:
- it requires a marketing specialist to be highly qualified in identifying objectives and grouping, as well as in the interpretation of data*
- up until recently this method hasn't been taught at Russian higher education institutions due to the inertia of the Education system in Russia and for the lack of qualified teachers; only in 2014 in Tomsk was the course "Marketing and Sales of Innovative Products" designed for RANEPA (The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration) at the request of RUSNANO and the Tomsk Regionial Administration**.

* Specialists of the Research Center "Target-Research" carried out more than one hundred studies of this type.
**Large amounts of research with thorough mistake analysis and data comparison are required for marketing specialists to master the implementation of this method with different objectcs . And while it is unachievable today in the frame of higher education, students (usually, marketing specialists and innovative companies CEOs) after finishing this course, successfully carry out express researches of this type at their companies.

How is an interview conducted?
- We only interview people who are in the process of purchasing a product or its equivalent, in order to only collect active and relevant stereotypes, as opposed to just familiar ones that have no affect on an interviewee's behavior;
- We use open-end questions (so that answers do not depend on our assumptions), simple ones (people are not forced into contriving impressive answers), short ones (they make getting answers possible even for the last questions, as people do not get tired during the interview)
- We record answers word-for-word, so that we can use these wordings to deliver information to target customers efficiently.

We get answers for all these questions immediately:
- What are selection criteria used by target customers when they choose you or your competitors?
- Why do some of the target customers initially go to your competitors?
- Why do other customers come to you first?
- Why do some of the customers leave you?
- Why do some of the customers leave your competitors?
- What preconceptions about companies on the market do customers have?
- What preconceptions about goods/services are there?
- What can persuade a customer to change his/her behaviour?
- How well known are the companies providing any given services?
- Are the customers ready to purchase new goods/services? If not, then why not? If yes, then at what price?

When facing challenging tasks…
Conventional survey methods turn out to be useful in this case (mostly, quantitative surveys and expert interviews). We combine them with traffic based research to get additional information.
For example, we get to know a company's market position (it and its competitor's familiarity score, its loyalty status, negative feedback) or figure out the peculiarities of the scope of study we were asked to research (used for "closed" niches: oil industry, gas industry, banks, education providers, services providers (to some government agents or agents themselves); it also helps to work with investors, mass-media, to introduce products to the market etc.).

However, we try to avoid questionnaire surveys, focus group surveys and any other ways of collecting data with high risks of inaccuracy. More specifically, the former totally depends on the correctness of a marketing specialist's assumptions, and the latter - on the recruiting quality, work of moderators and pollsters's ability to ignore their own stereotypes (in on-traffic researches these risks are eliminated by method technologization).

What is our work comprised of?
Step 1. Setting objecives
We determine what our clients need:
- to push up sales or brand awareness, to increase their audience on social-media;
- to test a new service or an innovative product;
- to get a project approved by higher authorities;
- to get investors or voters support
Step 4. Field work
Data collection, grouping and analysis.
Research results are accompanied with guidelines letting clients to assess the efficiency of any solutions adressing the current issue.
These guidelines help to settle inconsistencies and align the work of departments: PR, Marketing, Advertising, Sales, HR, GR, Protocol and others…
Step 2. Situation assesment
We identify what available resources a company can use to reach these objectives.
In some cases, a client is introduced to ways to do this without third-party assistance.
During this stage we also find out what information is required for the most efficient solution.
Step 5. Solutions development
As a result of research a client gets a list of specific solutions (30 minimum of the fastest and least expensive options) adressing the given issue.
Solutions cover:
- publicity forms and locations,
- messages content,
- messages frequency and exposure duration (not to be confused with media planning, as the solutions go beyond simple promotion in mass media).
Step 3. Selection of tools
We select the most suitable forms of data collection that are needed to collate the required information within the budget and time frame.
Step 6. Carrying out an advertising campain
Copywriting, photography, design, makeup, programming, audio, video ads recording and controlled distribution...
The cost of campaign maintenance and advertising production goes down by 25% after a client recieves the results of the research (collecting stereotypes based on target streaming) performed by Nadezhda Dreval BCC. The effectivemenss of work with consultants improves too.
Step 4. Field work
Data collection, grouping and analysis.
Research results are accompanied with guidelines letting clients to assess the efficiency of any solutions adressing the current issue.
These guidelines help to settle inconsistencies and align the work of departments: PR, Marketing, Advertising, Sales, HR, GR, Protocol and others…
Step 5. Solutions development
As a result of research a client gets a list of specific solutions (30 minimum of the fastest and least expensive options) adressing the given issue.
Solutions cover:
- publicity forms and locations,
- messages content,
- messages frequency and exposure duration (not to be confused with media planning, as the solutions go beyond simple promotion in mass media).
Step 6. Carrying out an advertising campain
Copywriting, photography, design, makeup, programming, audio, video ads recording and controlled distribution...
The cost of campaign maintenance and advertising production goes down by 25% after a client recieves the results of the research (collecting stereotypes based on target streaming) performed by Nadezhda Dreval BCC. The effectivemenss of work with consultants improves too.
Research Schedule
Depending on how closed and competitive the market is, it takes 1-3 months to analyse a city.
3-8 months for a country.
6-12 months - for several countries.
From €40 000 for Europe, Asia and Northen America.
Who have we already carried out research for?
With what issues have we been tasked?
  • What is the way for development company to sell apartments in a developing area, which is seen by customers as "a village, outskirts"»;
  • To find out why people stopped to going to one of the most popular furniture stores in the city, and to suggest ways to bring the customers back;
  • To suggest ways of implementing chain merchandizing with minimal costs;
  • To find out how to attract high school graduates with high USE (The Unified State Exam) scores to increase a University's rating;
  • To find out what broadcasting stations are actually listened to in a city (with the possibility to check received data);
  • How to change stereotypical negative images of a company or a product;
  • To help to make somebody a majority candiate, when three months prior to the election he had zero publicity in a highly competitive district. The candidate also had no support from authorities or canvassing boards;
  • How to pack and promote convenience food on a highly competitive market*;
  • How to present a company's business perfomance to investors, regional and state higher authorities (legislative and executive) in order to be positively received and to get financial support for new projects…
  • …and more than a thousand other questions...
*The cost of a campaign (research+ads developing, production and promotion) is at least eight times lower than a campaign of one of our competitors. All the costs paid for themselves in less than six months. In a year the product second place in terms of regional sales volume- way ahead of dozens of our competitors.
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What other tasks can we tackle?
  • We can research for scientific purposes the causes of people's behaviour and stereotypes (fields: psychology, journalism, linguistics, economics, sociology),
  • Reveal perception pecularities and preferences of customers living abroad,
  • We determine strereotypes, persuasions and guidelines of a particular person on the basis of her/his interview or public speech (unscripted speeches), and suggest recommendations for the most convincing ways to present an idea/project.
What problem are you faced with?
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Or schedule an appointment using the same form.
The first consultation is free of charge.